♥ Connections We Love ♥

Mark and I both were blessed to belong to families that taught us to reach out and help others, in our minds it's just what you do! You don't ask for credit or brag, you just do.

Part of that doing, is telling others about the organizations you care about, that are doing amazing things to make this world a better place. A big part also is encouraging others to join you or find people or organizations to help.

This page is dedicated to telling you about the people we love and support, what they do and why we go out of our way to join them in their endeavors when ever possible. 

We hope you are inspired to find people in your area that would love to have you join them, we have made good personal friends this way and hope you will too.

Let us start with Paws With A Cause

This dedicated group of people can make me cry at the drop of a hat...literally, you see they train dogs to assist people with disabilities, so were I in a wheelchair and dropped my hat...a Paws dog would pick it up for me. Cool trick eh? Well it is much, much more than a trick it is in many cases a life saving act. If a person in a wheelchair dropped their cell phone and were not able to reach it...that is a big problem. If they are out in public maybe someone would come along to help, maybe that someone wasn't nice and decided to take the phone. If they had a Paws dog...they would get the phone back within seconds and continue on with their day. In any event a wheelchair user is vulnerable and the presence of a trained dog can make all the difference in everyday life for these folks.

Our own dogs have learned some of the amazing things the Service dogs at Paws learn and it is huge fun, they love helping us. The wonderful folks at Paws created a beautiful ArtPrize entry in 2012, watch this video about this beautiful entry Steps toward Independence